“Following on from our blog posts #1 to #4 relating to artworkshopwithpaul – Tuition and Guidance for the Artist in Everyone, you will now be familiar with the guiding principles for our art tutorials; which not only govern the main strands of ‘Equipment Focus’, ‘Learn to Enjoy Painting’ and ‘Painting Topical Techniques’.
For, even when we produce additional box-sets, such as Masterclass, Workshops, Out and About, general Painting Topical Techniques, Sketching Companions, these are no-less-informative and significant. They too are packed-full of content - demonstrations, hints and tips, techniques, problem solvers and so on – the topics covered are endless – all are designed to add to your painting repertoire.
Although our mainstream tutorials are dedicated to each of the four principal media – it is worth noting that most of the methods and techniques used in my demonstrations can be exploited to work across other media – for instance, working dark-to-light not only applies to oils, but also to acrylics and pastels and, as such, our tutorials are interchangeable.
Me, at work on one of my Masterworks paintings. Although, were we to film the entire process, from the very first thumbnail to the final strokes on one of my Masterworks oil paintings, this simply would not be viable – with these paintings taking many months, sometimes years to complete.
However, having been asked to ‘peek behind-the-scenes’, we decided that filming a section or element within a Masterworks might be plausible. Which is how we came to produce Masterclasses from three of my Masterworks, which we approached in the same way as a step-by-step painting demonstration. In other words, close-up filming so you can see every stroke, along with colour mixes on my palette, all accompanied by my running commentary throughout.
Workshops are dedicated, one-off, step-by-step demonstrations – no less comprehensive than our main strand of ‘Learn to Enjoy Painting’ – as such, are therefore, of equal value.
Some are produced as an additional subject by which to demonstrate a particular method. For instance, this twelve-video Workshop of horses, provided the perfect textural subject through which to exploit the impasto technique, using the alla prima method. Not only that, the subject itself was also of value, for we wanted to dispel the notion that painting horses is complicated – through this demonstration we hope to remove the fear of painting these beautiful beasts.
Others are produced as a follow-up to a method demonstrated in ‘Learn to Enjoy Painting’ – such as this eleven-video Workshop, in which the impasto painting produced in ‘Series 3 of Learn to Painting in Oils’ was subsequently developed further, using the traditional techniques of glazing and tinting, which were the techniques covered in ‘Series 4 of Learn to Enjoy Painting in Oils with Paul Taggart’, interleaved with more impasto mixes. Thus, enhancing and enriching the composition further – whilst also showing how to ‘improve’ or ‘rescue’ an already completed painting. An invaluable work-along Workshop on many levels.
The are also Workshops on specific media, that fall outside the four, principle, media – i.e. Watercolour Pencils, Oil Pastels, Graphite Pencils and so on.
Then there are those in which I demonstrate a method that is unique to me, one that I have developed for a particular project.
‘Out and About with Paul’ box-sets are a mixture of work-along, or watch-along. All start off in-situ. Some are then developed back in the studio, so that we can turn the demonstration into a comprehensive, step-by-step tutorial. Others feature paintings or sketches, completed on the spot. Again, these are no-less valuable than Workshops, being packed full of hints, tips, techniques, colour mixing – most feature my running commentary.
There are occasions, while we’re filming one of our tutorials, that something occurs which we feel needs further explanation, or a tutorial in its own right.
This is how our box-set, Topical Techniques - Composition Matters came to be. We were out on a reference gathering trip for Series 4 of ‘Learn to Enjoy Painting’ and felt that a box-set on Composition would be useful – five videos that cover reference gathering, thumbnails, transferring the composition to the painting surface and tonal drawing – another invaluable set of ‘painting tools’ in your painting repertoire.
Sketching Companions is another occasional strand, featuring techniques that are ‘sketchier’ in nature – such as the Line & Wash set, in which the four individual videos show how this technique can be used in oils, watercolours, acrylics and pastels.
‘Learn to Enjoy Painting Portraits & Figures’ speaks for itself. A strand that currently comprises a box-set of nineteen-videos, covering Features – the head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair – each element demonstrated as a drawing, in oils (for opaque media) and in watercolours (for transparent media).
Click here to browse through the current catalogue of box-sets listed on our artworkshopwithpaul tutorials page, where you will find posters for the following strands and series dedicated to each of the four principal media - Oils : Watercolours : Acrylics : Pastels with a separate series covering Colour Mixing.
Click on any poster to watch the trailer for the corresponding box-set.
Click on the Vimeo icon to discover the VOD page.
Click on the Patreon icon to discover the Collections page.
Then Vimeo is the place for you – where you can DOWNLOAD the box-sets to your own device for watching time and time again, at a time when it’s convenient to you. Or, if you prefer, you can opt to stream the box-sets through your Vimeo account.
Then Patreon is the place for you – where you can stream the box-sets through your Patreon membership. You are not tied in to a contract and can dip in and out on a monthly basis, whatever works best for you.
We look forward to your company and, as always, send best wishes, from Eileen and myself,”
Paul Taggart
Artist, Author, Presenter, Producer
NOTE : This blog post contains information pertaining to Paul W. Taggart and Eileen M. Tunnell and may contain copyrighted material. It should be read as protected by International Copyright law and DMCA.